S: I'm responsible for the death of a man.
B: I lost my virginity to HIM in the back off a moving vehicle.
N: I had sex with your BESTFRIEND at a wedding when i was YOUR date.

C: I'm Chuck Bass.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

..chase you down until you love me, paparazzi.

2nd cup of honey and lemon with warm water. YEEYEE.

supposedly helps sore throats. according to the doctor i went
to see that did not give me medicine for it. LOL, went bubbys after school and watched Eurotrip.Then i konked out for 3 hours and woke up with a sore throat ( hence the honey and lemon water tea thing ) only had 5 hours sleep last night since i came back from bubbies at 1 and chatted to him for an hour before going to bed. Average sleep we should get is 8. So i made up for that.

School today was colder than yesterday i know right? idk how many degrees it was but it was ANTARTIC. Omg, at rollcall this morning, the sub pissed me off sooooo badly, i swear i haven't been so pissed off at a teacher in a long time. fucking noooob. she didn't wait for anyone, like 5 people were in the class and she started marking. wtfxrz ! if i came in and she marked me late i would've clicked it soooooooooooo badly. it's so unfair cause im FIRST ON MY ROLL CALL LIST. bullshit to the days. When people are sent to get a late note, we have this touch screen system and there's always a line of at least 29570570 people !
Class was fine, finished off my Documentation for SDD which was due Wednesday but everyone brainwashed sir into Friday. L
OL, so that's due tomorrow. Recess and Lunch i didn't eat anything, was saving my stomach for after school when bubby picks me up. Last class i had today was English, i got to read cause the class is studying a play called "Educating Rita" lmao, i had to say " off mah tits. " HEHEHE. lolololol. oh yeah, and Emily whacked out her laptop and we took a couple photos. lol, that was funny. Frank pulls the funniest faces, and the terrorist with the scarf. zomg. priceless.

anyway, last day of school tomorrow for the WEEK. YES, THAT IS 2 WEEKS I BEEN TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY. NEW RECORD. im pretty proud of myself for acomplishing that. hopefully i dnt get lazy anytime soon !

Have you guys seen the video clip for "Paparazzi-Lady Gaga" lmfao, her clip is so wierd, she appears in a wheelchair and crutches and shit LOL. that's so whack.


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